Saturday, October 30, 2010

Welcome to your twenties!

Are you at that place in your life where you feel like you should have it all figured out? Do you often feel like you have no idea what you’re doing with yourself and you’re just gliding through life as time moves faster and faster? The answer is most likely yes. This is how I feel about 90% of the time. My current rationalization for this phenomenon is much like the John Meyer song that discusses a quarter life crises. So what would a twenty something girl like me do to help myself deal with all these “problems” that seem to have surfaced in my twenties? Well, start a blog of course! So here I will share with you all the serious and non serious problems that may happen that no one really ever prepared us for. As a child I always imagined that miraculously as I became an adult all my “problems” in life would disappear and I would have a life that I loved because I could do whatever I wanted. Sound familiar? This is the place where I will discuss, complain, contemplate, ask and sarcastically comment on my daily life in my twenties. So here it is Your Twenties: the fine print!


  1. I am so excited you have your blog up and running!!! I along with so many others I am sure are going to be able to relate, vent, and laugh together. Congrats on your first blog friend!!! :o)

  2. Can't wait to join you on your journey. I will be a loyal follower. I am interested to compare my own experience to yours. Best wishes for the words to flow! With love, Mama Markowitz

  3. i can't wait for all the fun and funny things that go on to become and amazing blog! from muppets to men there is so much to look forward to!!!
